June Construction update — Greenup Industries

June Construction update

Stockpile 1 - Now that the river has allowed us to restart stockpiling activities, production continues to improve with the new processes that have been implemented.  We have successfully constructed over 140,000 CY of clay in our stockpile.    We expect to continue our increased production and completion in the Spring of 2023.

Stockpile 2 - Production has increased significantly due to the addition of another construction team and additional equipment.  We have successfully stockpiled over 475,000 CY of clay material.  This project will be completed in June 2022.  

Myrtle Grove Levee and Drainage Canal - This project is just starting to gain momentum.  We have successfully built over 5,000 LF of Access roads so that we can get equipment and materials to the levee/canal area.  Over 75,000 CY of the drainage canal has been excavated.  The clay is being processed (dried and vegetation removed) in order to be used for the levee construction when we reach that phase.  This massive project is scheduled to be completed in July 2025.  
