Myrtle Grove Project Update

Can flooding in Louisiana be prevented long-term? Most solutions aim to prevent the loss of life and property damage from flooding water and storms, not stop the storms or flooding. The goal is to better contain or redirect the floodwaters in the future. Greenup Industries is involved in several projects with US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District to fortify levees in Louisiana.

Myrtle Grove Project - In spite of the weather, we have continued to press ahead on this critical risk reduction project for the people of Plaquemines Parish.

Old Mother Nature has been trying her best to slow this critical Hurricane Risk Reduction project, with rain and snow, but we keep pushing forward. Clearing vegetation and excavation of the drainage canal are nearly complete. Levee construction has progressed nicely with a total of over 1.3 million cubic yards (CY) of clay material placed and compacted, supported by almost 100,000 square yards (SY) of reinforcement geotextile.

We have also made good progress in the pile driving portion of this project, having driven 1,000 Linear Feet (LF) of steel pipe piles and 34,000 Square Feet (SF) of sheet piles. This project continues to stay ahead of the current required completion date of late summer 2026.

Louisiana-based Greenup Industries is behind countless projects across the Gulf South that point to the region’s growth and vibrancy. Greenup is adept at handling large-scale projects for the public good. From refurbished roads and bridges to industrial construction and maintenance, we offer contracting and specialized construction services for industrial, commercial, and municipal clients.

For more information about Greenup Industries, visit

Protecting Your Pipes from Freezing Temperature

When we experience freezing temperatures in our typically warm, humid climates throughout the South, many residential homes and businesses are left wondering how to prevent frozen pipes. Greenup Industries specializes in In-Plant Property Management including Plumbing and Septic Maintenance, so we’ve asked our experts for a few tips that might help you when temperatures dip closer to freezing.

Safeguard Your Pipes

During freezing temperatures, your pipes are at high risk. If they freeze over, they can sometimes burst causing a lot of financial strain to fix or replace. In order to avoid this, let your sinks drip overnight. This helps prevent pipes from freezing. In addition, open cabinet doors to kitchen and bathroom sinks to allow warm air to protect and circulate around plumbing. Keep doors, windows and garages closed during these times, too, to better insulate and warm plumbing.

Exterior Pipes Need Different Protection

Spigots and outside pipes and plumbing require a bit of a different approach when preparing to prevent freezing. Wrap outside pipes in small towels and let drip if necessary.

Prevent Frozen Septic Tanks

Septic tanks freezing over can be an unimaginable mess for your business or home. To avoid dealing with what could be a severely foul occurrence, take the following precautions. Empty your septic tank. Yes, this is regular maintenance, but not always the first task people jump at when temperatures are already uncomfortably low. If a full tank freezes, this could cause a septic tank to burst. Another thing to consider is cracks and open areas. Be sure to inspect for any potential leaking as this could also invite more liquid to seep into the tank and cause bursting. And of course, keep water moving through the system if possible. Water in motion won’t freeze, so if your business is closed due to inclement weather, be sure to check back in daily and induce some motion through the system.

Greenup Industries is a full-service maintenance provider throughout the Gulf Coast Region. Let us help you prepare or fix issues concerning your plumbing. Contact us at or call us at 225-283-4843.

Small Business Administration's (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program

Did you know that the Small Business Administration's (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program was created to help small, disadvantaged, minority-owned businesses compete and work with the federal government? The 8(a) program offers excellent contract opportunities to small, disadvantaged companies.

During the nine-year 8 (a) program, participants can be awarded sole-source contracts up to $4.5 million for goods and services and $7 million for manufacturing and compete in larger 8(a) set-aside contracts.

Companies certified as 8(a) can also participate in the SBA's Mentor-Protégé program. Additionally, they can form Joint Ventures with larger contractors to compete for 8(a) and other competitive contracts.

8(a) Program Qualifications and Certification Requirements

The 8(a) certification requires participation approval, annual compliance, and reporting. To qualify for the program, a company must be owned and controlled by at least 51% of socially and economically disadvantaged United States citizens. The personal net requirement is less than $850K, excluding certain assets. The average adjusted gross income must be $400K or less, and the total assets must be $6.5 million or less.

During the nine-year program, 8(a) contractors must demonstrate progress. The first four months are considered the development stage. Advancement must also be displayed during years 5-9, the transitional stage. The 8(a) contractor must show progression from sole-source awards and 8(a) competitive contracts transitioning to non-8a revenue. 8(a) contractors must also comply with small business size requirements to maintain eligibility for contract awards.

How to Apply for the 8(a) Program?

You must meticulously plan and prepare your SBA 8(a) application to gain approval. Follow 8(a) certification checklists to ensure your documents meet the program requirements in fact and appearance.

In addition to completing the online application, you must submit the following documents:

1. Prior income tax returns

2. Financial statements

3. Your company history

4. Personal financial statements

How to Apply for SBA Certification?

The company owner may complete the application on the SBA website. However, you may also benefit from financial advice. Your accountant or CPA can help you review your documents before submission.

The SBA Yearly Reporting and Compliance Requirements

The SBA monitors progress through annual reviews, business planning, and regular evaluations.

The 8(a) participants must submit the Form 1450-8(a) Annual Update Review. Based on the 8(a)'s annual program year, businesses must disclose specific company data to remain in the program, including:

1. Progress on meeting goals

2. Personal yearly financial statements, including your net worth

3. The fair market value of all assets

4. Personal income

5. Excessive withdrawal limitations

In addition, company financial statements are required. 8(a) participants who make over $10 million in revenue must submit an annual audited financial statement within 120 days of the company's fiscal year.

The 8(a) participants with revenue between $2M and $10M must submit annual reviewed financial statements within 90 days of the company's fiscal year. Finally, 8(a) participants with less than $2M in revenue must provide an annual in-house or compiled financial statement within 90 days after the close of the company's fiscal year.

For more information, please visit

A Proactive Approach to Construction Safety

Does your company take a reactive or proactive approach to construction safety? Most companies' safety programs combine the two methods, being proactive in some ways but reactive in other aspects.

Here are some best practices to implement in your safety program to take a proactive approach to safety:

1. Empower everyone on the job site, regardless of position, with the authority to issue a stop-work for any perceived safety concerns. Only allow work to resume once the issue has been adequately addressed.

2. Create a safety plan specific to the project and site. Do this in conjunction with the creation of the construction plan. As you plan how to build and deliver the project, plan how to keep your workers safe as construction progresses through each task and phase.

3. Monitor, evaluate, and adjust. As work progresses, conditions can change drastically from one day to another. Understanding how changing conditions can create new safety hazards is essential. Continuous improvements to safety measures need to be made based on the most up-to-date information on job site conditions.

4. Training should be an ongoing activity for all employees. Train workers on the safe and proper way to operate equipment and select and use personal protective equipment (PPE). Remember, workers don't have to be in an accident to suffer an injury. Be sure to train workers on proper techniques to perform tasks that create the least stress on their bodies.

5. Create a safety committee to review safety performance on all projects. Ensure that employees from all levels of the business are involved, especially craft laborers. They have first-hand experience with how safety measures are being implemented on the site and can provide vital feedback on areas of concern that must be addressed. They should have a voice in helping choose which safety measures to implement to control and mitigate hazards.

6. Fully vet all subcontractors on their safety records and ask them to review their written safety program. Once selected, work with subcontractors to help develop the safety plan, as they can provide valuable insight specific to their trade. Ensure subcontractor agreements cover adhering to your site safety plan so you can hold them accountable.

7. Hold safety meetings each day or before each shift to cover specific tasks, safety measures and protocols, and any areas of concern. Be sure to discuss existing and any new hazards that may arise throughout the day and how to avoid them.

8. Go beyond a compliance-driven approach to safety. Work to identify additional safety measures and precautions you can take to protect your workers better and prevent accidents.

9. Investigate all accidents and near misses to identify the root causes. Focus less on who was responsible and more on how and why the accidents or near misses occurred. Understanding the root cause can better develop solutions to prevent accidents from happening again and better protect your workers.

10. Incentive programs should encourage workers to adopt a proactive approach to construction safety. They should encourage workers to speak up and report unsafe conditions or work behavior. They should promote safe working practices rather than encouraging workers not to report incidents.

11. Conduct routine safety audits. The safety manager can either do these internally or hire an outside third party to review your safety program and practices.

Invest in improving your safety program, such as investing in new equipment or tools to improve your business. Taking a proactive approach to safety can lead to improved productivity and increase the quality of work. Companies with solid safety records tend to have better employee morale and a positive reputation in their field.

For nearly a decade, Greenup Industries has provided a full-range of specialty construction services to our diverse client base. By stressing the importance of integrity, respect, collaboration, trust, and delivery we have built a great team ready to serve you.

For more information, please visit

The Lafourche Basin Levee District in Vacherie, LA

Greenup Industries is delighted to have the North Lafourche Levee District in Vacherie, Louisiana, as a client.

Did you know? The North Lafourche Levee District was formed by an Act of the Louisiana Legislature in 1992. This state board has been responsible for improving flood protection on the west side of Bayou Lafourche from the Intracoastal Waterway in Larose to the northern edge of the Parish.

In 2006, through a statewide re-organization of levee boards, the North Lafourche Levee District was given additional jurisdiction over the east side of Bayou Lafourche, again from the Intracoastal Waterway in Larose to the northern end of Lafourche Parish. This area of the Parish was previously under the jurisdiction of the Lafourche Basin Levee District. The North Lafourche Levee District is now all of Lafourche Parish north of the Intracoastal Canal.

The North Lafourche Levee District works to improve drainage and enhance flood protection for 65,000 residents north of the Intracoastal Waterway in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. The District includes over 250 miles of levees and drainage canals and over 40 pump stations.

The map above is divided into the Levee District's eight defined Project Areas. To see a list of individual projects within any Project Area from our Comprehensive Drainage and Flood Protection Project (CDFP) List, click this link. You will be taken to a page that shows currently planned projects (in no particular order) for the selected Project Area.

Greenup Industries is a full-service construction general contractor that provides civil and commercial construction work and construction management for projects in Louisiana. For more information about Greenup Industries, please visit


Communication is vital in the construction industry because it can help ensure a project's success

  • Safety: Poor communication can lead to injuries and accidents. To prevent accidents, hand signals are used to communicate with crane operators. 

  • Project outcomes: Effective communication helps ensure project objectives are met, and it can improve collaboration and productivity. 

  • Teamwork: Communication can help improve teamwork and morale. 

  • Cost control: Miscommunication can lead to mistakes, rework, and additional costs. 

  • Reputation: A history of delays, disputes, and accidents can damage a company's reputation. 

  • Project status: Communication helps everyone understand the project's status. 

  • Decision-making: Communication facilitates timely decision-making. 

  • Client expectations: Communication helps manage client expectations. 

For over 30 years, Greenup Industries has excelled at providing professional, specialized services and procurement support to a diverse clientele, including the oil and gas, construction, telecommunication, and other industries, as well as city, parish, state, and federal governments.

We have earned our reputation as a trusted solutions provider and partner in the industrial services business by providing superior quality services to our clients, continually seeking to improve our performance, and by adding value.

Myrtle Grove construction Project Update

Greenup is working on the Hurricane Protection Project in Plaquemines Parish, LA, to keep people safe. We are pleased to provide you with this Myrtle Grove update:

In spite of the weather, we have continued to press ahead on this critical risk-reduction project for the people of Plaquemines Parish. So far, we have placed over 1.1 million Cubic Yards (CY) for levee construction, supporting geotextile fabric for levee stability, ninety-five percent of the

levee footprint has been cleared and is ready for continued construction, over 16,000 square feet of steel sheet piles have been driven for the utility crossings and drainage structure, over 15 structural pipe piles have been driven to support those structures, 5000 linear feet (LF) of

culverts for site drainage, nearly 300,000 CY has been excavated for the new drainage canal. In addition, two thousand tons of stone have been placed in that canal to retard erosion. This project is still scheduled

to finish on time in August 2026.

Greenup is partnering with Cajun JV, LLC, and presented the lowest bid for the New Orleans to Venice [first] lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish. The project consists of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. “We are thrilled to be working with Cajun Industries on this project and look forward to doing all we can to provide storm and hurricane protection to Louisiana,” Rodney Greenup says.

Greenup Industries is adept at handling large-scale projects for the public good. From refurbished roads and bridges to industrial construction and maintenance, Louisiana-based Greenup Industries is behind countless projects across the Gulf South that point to the region’s growth and vibrancy.

A full-service construction general contractor providing civil and

commercial construction work and construction management throughout the Gulf Region, Greenup has clocked over 500,000 safe work man-hours and is the recipient of several awards for safety. These awards include the Gold Medal Award, presented by Shell/Norco; the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

For more information about Greenup Industries, please visit us at


Greenup Industries offers contracting and specialized construction services for industrial, commercial, and municipal clients. From refurbished roads and bridges to industrial construction and maintenance, the company is behind countless projects. Recent projects included the Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reusitte to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish project.

West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Project

The West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection project is an 18.5-mile system that includes 17.5 miles of levees, one mile of T-wall, drainage structures, pump stations, and several non-structural protection measures to form an integrated protection system.

The West Shore Pontchartrain Project alongside the US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District. consists of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing.

Myrtle Grove Project

US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District, has awarded Greenup Cajun JV, LLC a $102.5 million dollar construction contract to build hurricane protection structures and move levees and drainage canals in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish. 

Greenup Cajun JV, LLC, presented the lowest bid of four for the “New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish.” The project will consist of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. The estimated cost of the project is $102,452,461.00.

Greenup Industries is a full-service construction general contractor that provides civil and commercial construction work and construction management for projects in the state of Louisiana. For more information about Greenup Industries, please visit



The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is continuing to make progress with the New Orleans to Venice (NOV) Hurricane Protection project in Plaquemines Parish, La. The purpose of the NOV project is to provide an improved levee system for storm risk reduction for Plaquemines Parish by repairing and restoring the original project levees, accelerating the completion of unconstructed portions of the authorized project, and armoring critical elements of the authorized project. The NOV federal levees are located on the east bank of Plaquemines from Phoenix to Bohemia and on the west bank from St. Jude to Venice.

Currently, along the La Reussite to Myrtle Grove levee reach, USACE is constructing approximately seven miles of new drainage canals and levees. USACE workers and their construction partners are placing embankment material at the site of the levee construction, slowly building up layers of soil and material for the levee. So far, 85% of the canal have been completed and approximately 50% of the levee has been built along this particular levee reach. This portion of the project is scheduled to be completed by calendar year 2026.

Commerce Department Announces New Construction Pledge

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge to bring more women into the construction workforce. Several leading construction companies have signed on to the Pledge, and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo is making an industry-wide call for more companies, unions, and training organizations to sign on to the Pledge.

By signing on to the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge, leaders in the industry are demonstrating an ongoing commitment to increase women’s access to training, jobs, and leadership opportunities. This follows an announcement made earlier this month launching the CHIPS Women in Construction Framework. Construction companies, unions, and training organizations can join the initiative by pledging to focus on or scale up equitable hiring and workforce development efforts that create broader pipelines and opportunities for women.  This industry-wide call to action encourages signers to voluntarily take action by utilizing best practices, including building community partnerships to reach women and girls, investing in solutions that increase supportive services such as child care, and fostering safe, healthy, and respectful workplaces.

“President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is creating a construction boom all over the country, and with that boom comes a huge increase in jobs and opportunities for workers in construction and the trades. But right now, women make up less than 11% of jobs in construction and only 4% in skilled trades. Many of these are good-paying, quality jobs you can get without a college degree, and women deserve equal opportunity for these jobs,” said Secretary Raimondo. “If we’re going to meet this moment, we need more women in the construction, and we need an industry-wide commitment, which is why I’m calling on everyone – contractors, labor unions, training organizations – to join our Community Pledge to commit to solutions and support proven strategies that help overcome barriers faced by women and underserved communities in construction and the trades.”

The announcement comes after a roundtable of construction industry leaders, convened by The Real Estate Roundtable and attended by Secretary Raimondo, to discuss the Million Women in Construction Community Pledge.

“The construction industry continues to face significant labor challenges due to the aging workforce and dwindling number of young people entering the construction field. There is a critical need to attract more talent and diversify our workforce to ensure we have the resources to build our cities and grow our economy,” said John Fish, Chair of The Real Estate Roundtable and Chairman and CEO of Suffolk. “Suffolk is honored and privileged to be one of the first companies to commit to Secretary Raimondo’s inspiring Million Women in Construction Pledge. As an organization that has long been committed to rebuilding the ratio of women in the construction industry, we are proud to play a leadership role in inspiring other organizations to commit to this effort and help position our American workforce for future growth and success.”

The Million Women in Construction initiative is a nationwide call to action for the construction industry – construction contractors, trade unions, and training institutions – to commit to bold steps that will ensure a robust and diverse workforce in the years ahead. It will be necessary to recruit, train, hire, and retain thousands of new and non-traditional workers – the next generation of skilled laborers and leaders who are prepared to rebuild U.S. infrastructure and supply chains and complement Federal government investments.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is continuing to make progress with the New Orleans to Venice (NOV) Hurricane Protection project in Plaquemines Parish, La. The purpose of the NOV project is to provide an improved levee system for storm risk reduction for Plaquemines Parish by repairing and restoring the original project levees, accelerating the completion of unconstructed portions of the authorized project, and armoring critical elements of the authorized project.

The NOV federal levees are located on the east bank of Plaquemines from Phoenix to Bohemia and on the west bank from St. Jude to Venice. Currently, along the La Reussite to Myrtle Grove levee reach, USACE is constructing approximately seven miles of new drainage canals and levees. USACE workers and their construction partners are placing embankment material at the site of the levee construction, slowly building up layers of soil and material for the levee. So far, 85% of the canal have been completed and approximately 50% of the levee has been built along this particular levee reach. This portion of the project is scheduled to be completed by calendar year 2026.


US Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District, awarded Greenup Cajun JV, LLC a $102.5 million dollar construction contract to build hurricane protection structures and move levees and drainage canals in Louisiana’s Plaquemines Parish. 

Greenup Cajun JV, LLC, presented the lowest bid of four for the “New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish.” The project will consist of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. The estimated cost of the project is $102,452,461.00.

Greenup Industries is Honored with the Prestigious Gold Safety Award by Highwire

Greenup Industries, a leading provider of industrial construction and maintenance services, has been honored with the prestigious Gold Safety Award by Highwire.

BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA , UNITED STATES, March 1, 2024 / -- Greenup Industries, a leading provider of industrial construction and maintenance services, has been honored with the prestigious Gold Safety Award by Highwire, a global leader in contractor risk mitigation. The Gold Safety Award is presented to companies registering a safety score of 85-95% in the Safety Assessment Program.

The Gold Safety Award recognizes Greenup Industries' commitment to safety and its efforts to maintain a safe work environment for its employees, contractors, and customers. The company

Rodney Greenup, President of Greenup Industries was awarded the prestigious Gold Safety Award by Highwire, a global leader in contractor risk mitigation.

We are honored to receive the Gold Safety Award from Highwire, which underscores our commitment to safety and excellence.”

Rodney Greenup, president of Greenup Industries

has implemented rigorous safety protocols and training programs to ensure compliance with industry safety standards and regulations.

In addition to its focus on safety, Greenup Industries has also leveraged the power of Highwire to mitigate contractor risk, streamline operations, and improve project outcomes. Highwire's innovative technology platform has enabled the company to manage its contractor risk more effectively, reduce costs, and improve overall project performance.

"We are honored to receive the Gold Safety Award from Highwire, which underscores our commitment to safety and excellence," said Rodney Greenup, President of Greenup Industries. "We are also proud to partner with Highwire, whose technology platform has helped us to improve our operations and deliver better outcomes for our customers."

Greenup Industries' Gold Safety Award and its use of Highwire's technology platform are a testament to the company's commitment to safety, quality, and innovation. As a trusted provider of industrial construction and maintenance services, Greenup Industries is well-positioned to continue delivering exceptional value to its customers and driving growth in the industry.

Greenup Industries provides a full
range of onboarding solutions,
maintenance and design services, and
specialty construction services to our
diverse set of clients. "We offer
effective onboarding, reduced costs,
accountability, and consistent vetting
of vendors," Greenup said. Greenup
Industries has clocked over 500,000
safe work man-hours and is the
recipient of several awards for safety,
including the Gold Medal Award,
presented by Shell/Norco, the
Contractor Safety Award, presented by
CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

About Rodney Greenup
Rodney Greenup, a New Orleans native, began his career as a mechanical engineer and project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. With over 25 years of experience in providing project management and technical solutions to large-scale construction and maintenance

The Gold Safety Award is presented to companies registering a safety score of 85-95% in the Safety Assessment Program

Greenup Industries' Gold Safety Award and its use of Highwire's technology platform are a testament to the company's commitment to safety, quality, and innovation

projects. Greenup Industries, a trusted solutions provider, is also the recipient of several awards, including the Gold Medal Award presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, Supplier of the presented by Tier III, Emerging Growth Company Award, presented by ACG and many more.

About Greenup Industries
Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance and design services, and specialty construction services to our diverse set of clients. They offer effective onboarding, reduced costs, accountability, and consistent vetting of vendors. Greenup Industries has clocked over 500,000 safe work man-hours and is the recipient of several awards for safety, including the Gold Medal Award, presented by Shell/Norco; the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

To learn more about the benefits of working with Greenup Industries, call (225) 283-4843 or visit their official website at

Rodney Greenup Greenup Industries
+1 504-598-3677

Facilities Maintenance - Protecting Your Pipes from Freezing Temperature


When we experience freezing temperatures in our typically warm, humid climates throughout the South, many residential homes and businesses are left wondering how to prevent frozen pipes. Greenup Industries specializes in In-Plant Property Management including Plumbing and Septic Maintenance, so we’ve asked our experts for a few tips that might help you when temperatures dip closer to freezing.

Safeguard Your Pipes
During freezing temperatures, your pipes are at high risk. If they freeze over, they can sometimes burst causing a lot of financial strain to fix or replace. In order to avoid this, let your sinks drip overnight. This helps prevent pipes from freezing. In addition, open cabinet doors to kitchen and bathroom sinks to allow warm air to protect and circulate around plumbing. Keep doors, windows and garages closed during these times, too, to better insulate and warm plumbing.

Exterior Pipes Need Different Protection
Spigots and outside pipes and plumbing require a bit of a different approach when preparing to prevent freezing. Wrap outside pipes in small towels and let drip if necessary. 

Prevent Frozen Septic Tanks 

Septic tanks freezing over can be an unimaginable mess for your business or home. To avoid dealing with what could be a severely foul occurrence, take the following precautions. Empty your septic tank. Yes, this is regular maintenance, but not always the first task people jump at when temperatures are already uncomfortably low. If a full tank freezes, this could cause a septic tank to burst. Another thing to consider is cracks and open areas. Be sure to inspect for any potential leaking as this could also invite more liquid to seep into the tank and cause bursting. And of course, keep water moving through the system if possible. Water in motion won’t freeze, so if your business is closed due to inclement weather, be sure to check back in daily and induce some motion through the system.

Greenup Industries is a full-service maintenance provider throughout the Gulf Coast Region. Let us help you prepare or fix issues concerning your plumbing. Contact us at or call us at 225-283-4843.

Greenup Industries Continues to Excel in USACE Myrtle Grove Levee and Drainage Canal and Hurricane Protection Project

Greenup Industries partnered with Cajun Industries, LLC on a construction contract to build hurricane protection structures and move levees and drainage canals in the New Orleans area. Greenup presented the lowest bid of four for the "New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish". The project consists of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. The estimated cost of the project recently increased 6% from $ 102,452,461.00 to $108,783,413. The project has an expected completion date of Summer, 2026.

Continuing to excel in terms of production and quality, Greenup has been making great progress in several areas. Those include: clearing the levee footprint, reaching completion of 81 percent of the entire project, excavating another 1500 cubic yards (cy) of drainage canal and a total of 12,500 linear feet (LF) of 48" culvert pipes have been installed to facilitate proper drainage of rainwater. "This project continues to progress ahead of schedule with a completion date currently in the Summer of 2026. Several change orders are being finalized, which will have little effect on the schedule but will provide a much better level of risk reduction for the people of Plaquemines Parish," says Rodney Greenup, President of Greenup Industries.

Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance and design services, and specialty construction services to our diverse set of clients. "We offer effective onboarding, reduced costs, accountability, and consistent vetting of vendors," Greenup said. Greenup Industries has clocked over 500,000 safe work man-hours and is the recipient of several awards for safety, including the Gold Medal Award, presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

About Rodney Greenup
Rodney Greenup, a New Orleans native, began his career as a mechanical engineer and project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. With over 25 years of experience in providing project management and technical solutions to large-scale construction and maintenance projects. Greenup Industries, a trusted solutions provider, is also the recipient of several awards, including the Gold Medal Award presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, Supplier of the presented by Tier III, Emerging Growth Company Award, presented by ACG and many more.

About Greenup Industries
Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance, and staffing services, as well as specialty construction services to its diverse client base. Greenup strives to continually improve its performance and provide added value. To learn more about Rodney Greenup and Greenup Industries, please call (225) 283-4843 or visit

Rodney Greenup
Greenup Industries
+1 504-598-3677
Visit us on social media:

Greenup Industries - Our Relationships Fuel Our Success

At Greenup, Our Relationships Fuel Our Success


It’s not an easy decision to allow a third party to help you with your new or existing project. However, the right partnership can be a win-win for everyone involved!

 At Greenup Industries, we value relationships. In fact, we believe the relationships with our team, our clients, and our subcontractors have fueled our success. For nearly a decade, Greenup Industries has provided a full-range of on-boarding solutions, maintenance and staffing services as well as specialty construction services to our diverse client base. By stressing the importance of integrity, respect, collaboration, trust, and delivery we have built a great team ready to serve you.

Since 2012, we have helped our clients complete thousands of projects. Projects that have created jobs, fostered growth in our communities and increased access to energy, resources, and vital services.

It is the combination of the quality of our people and our relentless drive to deliver the most successful outcomes that help us ensure that we meet your project goals in a timely, efficient, and safe manner.

At Greenup Industries, our variety of clients range from the industrial and commercial manufacturing industries to Federal and local municipalities and utilities. We can help you at any phase of your project, from idea to construction and startup. 

Want to know more about how we can help you achieve your project goals? Call us today at (225) 283-4843. 

Five Tips to Improve Safety at Your Facility


To keep our contractors, vendors, full-time employees, or site visitors safe, Greenup Industries maps every on-site journey from when someone arrives until they sign out from the premises. For nearly a decade, we have learned much about the different safety and security requirements of various industries and organizations. Here are our top 5 safety and security recommendations:

Perform ongoing safety training. 

Providing safety training for employees is essential for creating a culture of workplace safety. A workforce with a strong understanding of safety guidelines and best practices is more likely to recognize potential hazards before they occur. This can lead to fewer injuries and help you avoid costly losses in productivity and employee morale.

Promote a good safety culture

Workplace safety starts with a strong safety culture, the collection of values and beliefs that employers and employees share concerning risks in the workplace. Effective leadership is critical because cultural change is complex and challenging. Leaders need to embrace the safety agenda and lead the efforts across the overall organization.

If you're committed to a safe work environment, find ways to get your employees onboard. Encourage employees to get to know the standards and to report potentially hazardous situations. The OSHA rules and regulations can be a stiff read, making your inductions or training interactive or video-based. 

Keep contractor records up to date.

To keep your site safe and secure, your contractors and vendors must keep their records up to date. Our proprietary software, Greenup Tracker, ensures all of our contractors and vendors have up-to-date records, including relevant qualifications, insurances, and other documents. Contractors and vendors can log in, edit their records, and keep them up to date.

Consider using photo ID scanning for Visitors. 

Providing touchless registration will ensure safer job sites for your workers. Registration, virtual orientations, virtual training, and automated health checklists can all be accessed through their photo ID card. 

This adds an extra layer of security and allows them to verify better people's identity coming on-site, but it also makes sign-in a lot faster.

Make sure your emergency response plan is not "one-size-fits-all." 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) warns that workplace evacuations are more common than people think. There is a broad range of possible emergencies, including explosions, natural disasters, hazardous material releases, biological accidents, civil disturbances, or workplace violence. Your company needs more than a "one-size-fits-all" response plan.

Implement technology to protect lone worker safety

Lone worker safety applications (smartphone apps) can allow users to notify employers and emergency personnel to help locate a worker with a simple action such as pulling a wrist tether from an unlocked phone. Once signaled, the appropriate authorities are immediately dispatched to the worker's location through GPS monitoring. In addition, previously programmed information about the employee will be sent to the dispatch team, requiring the threatened worker to enter zero information while the event is taking place. There are several great apps available to protect your lone workers.

Going beyond compliance

Safety is a crucial enabler of business continuity, operational performance, and productivity. Effectively addressing these five areas will help organizations become safety compliant.

  • Prevent workplace injuries

  • Improve compliance with laws and regulations

  • Reduce costs, including significant reductions in workers' compensation premiums

  • Engage workers

  • Enhance their social responsibility goals

  • Increase productivity and enhance overall business operations

Employers will find that implementing these recommended practices brings other benefits. Studies show that when companies value safety, operational excellence will follow.

About Greenup Industries

Based in Kenner, La., Greenup Industries provides contracting and special construction services to industrial, commercial, and municipal clients. It also has a division focused on maintenance and staffing services to support various industries. The company’s self-designed portal, named Greenup Tracker, connects third-party vendors with industrial facilities in need of painters, plumbers, groundskeepers, carpenters, and other low to moderate security clearance subcontractors. Greenup Industries is certified as a Minority-Owned Business (MBE) by the National Minority Supplier Diversity Council.

In 2019, Greenup Industries was awarded the prestigious Emerging Growth Company of the Year by ACG Louisiana. Rodney Greenup and his team of nearly two dozen employees have worked on a number of high-profile projects, including a major overhaul of New Orleans’ city streets, and several stockpiling projects for the United States Army Corps of Engineers to fortify levees in Louisiana.

If you would like more information on this project, please contact Greenup Industries at 225.283.4843 or

Greenup Industries Continues to Excel in USACE Myrtle Grove Levee and Drainage Canal and Hurricane Protection Project

Greenup Industries partnered with Cajun Industries, LLC on a construction contract to build hurricane protection structures and move levees and drainage canals in the New Orleans area. Greenup presented the lowest bid of four for the "New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish". The project consists of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. The estimated cost of the project recently increased 6% from $ 102,452,461.00 to $108,783,413. The project has an expected completion date of Summer, 2026.

Continuing to excel in terms of production and quality, Greenup has been making great progress in several areas. Those include clearing the levee footprint, reaching completion of 81 percent of the entire project, excavating another 1500 cubic yards (cy) of drainage canal and a total of 12,500 linear feet (LF) of 48" culvert pipes have been installed to facilitate proper drainage of rainwater. This project continues to progress ahead of schedule with a completion date currently in the Summer of 2026. "This project continues to progress ahead of schedule with a completion date currently in the Summer of 2026. Several change orders are being finalized, which will have little effect on the schedule but will provide a much better level of risk reduction for the people of Plaquemines Parish," says Rodney Greenup, President of Greenup Industries.

Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance and design services, and specialty construction services to our diverse set of clients. "We offer effective onboarding, reduced costs, accountability, and consistent vetting of vendors," Greenup said. Greenup Industries has clocked over 500,000 safe work man-hours and is the recipient of several awards for safety, including the Gold Medal Award, presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

About Rodney Greenup
Rodney Greenup, a New Orleans native, began his career as a mechanical engineer and project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. With over 25 years of experience in providing project management and technical solutions to large-scale construction and maintenance projects. Greenup Industries, a trusted solutions provider, is also the recipient of several awards, including the Gold Medal Award presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, Supplier of the presented by Tier III, Emerging Growth Company Award, presented by ACG and many more.

About Greenup Industries
Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance, and staffing services, as well as specialty construction services to its diverse client base. Greenup strives to continually improve its performance and provide added value. To learn more about Rodney Greenup and Greenup Industries, please call (225) 283-4843 or visit

Rodney Greenup
Greenup Industries 
+1 504-598-3677
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Video - Greenup Industries - Our Relationships Fuel Our Success


Rodney Greenup
Greenup Industries



Louisiana receives many hurricanes, tropical storms, and severe weather as a coastal region on the Gulf of Mexico. This, combined with the low land level, the vast amount of wetlands, and floodplains, leads to an increased risk of flooding and storm surge flash flooding. The rainfall rate in Louisiana has increased within the past few decades. According to a rainfall study at Louisiana State University, the storms are shorter but are depositing rain faster, thereby increasing the risk and rate of flash flooding. The state also experiences a risk of flooding coming from the river delta systems, rainfall, inland storm surge flooding, and tidal wave and storm surge flooding.


Louisiana has miles of coastal floodplains, wetlands, deltas, and waterways. When storm surges, hurricanes, heavy rainfall, and wind hit the land, these low-lying areas can easily be overwhelmed with floodwaters. Louisiana's water levels often rise when storms make landfall in a neighboring state. Every parish or county in Louisiana has experienced a significant weather event. Storm surges and flooding are the most dangerous aspects of hurricanes and coastal storms for Louisiana. The rapid rising of water is the leading cause of hurricane-related deaths in Louisiana. 

Hurricane Katrina was the most drastic and extreme example of how storm surges can overwhelm the region. However, hurricanes do not need to reach the magnitude of Katrina to endanger residents and cause large amounts of damage. As most recently seen in Hurricane Ida, there can be loss of life and billions of dollars of property damage from the effects of hurricanes, coastal storms, and flooding in Louisiana. 

Here is a list of hurricanes that have harmed Louisiana:

  • Hurricane Katrina, August 2005

  • Hurricane Rita, September 2005

  • Hurricane Humberto, September 2007

  • Hurricane Gustav, August 2008

  • Hurricane Ike, September 2008

  • Hurricane Ida, November 2009

  • Hurricane Isaac, August 2012

  • Hurricane Harvey, August 2017

  • Hurricane Nate, October 2017

  • Hurricane Barry, July 2019

  • Hurricane Marco, August 2020

  • Hurricane Laura, August 2020

  • Hurricane Delta, October 2020

  • Hurricane Zeta, October 2020

  • Hurricane Ida, August 29, 2021


The state of Louisiana proposed a Coastal Master Plan in 2012. The Plan was updated in 2017 and will be updated again in 2023. 

Some examples of attempted or proposed solutions are:

  • Construction and improvement of water management systems

  • Developing communities on high ground

  • Redirecting 100-year flood paths or plains away from populated areas with levees and water management systems

Most solutions aim to prevent the loss of life and property damage from flooding water and storms, not stop the storms or flooding. The goal is to better contain or redirect the floodwaters in the future.


Greenup Industries works on a variety of industrial projects in multiple markets. Greenup's work continues on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) West Shore Lake Ponchartrain Levee stockpile projects and anticipates completing one project this summer. The West Shore Lake Ponchartrain Project will build and help fortify levees for storm protection.

Greenup's primary operations have been excavating, processing, and stockpiling clay in two areas within the Bonnet Carre Spillway. The company was awarded two contracts for stockpiling clay, a 20 million contract in January 2020 and the second contract for 17.9 million in November 2020.

The West Shore Lake Pontchartrain project is located in southeast Louisiana on the east bank of the Mississippi River in St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James Parishes in Southeast LA. The 760 million dollar project will span 18.5 miles, including 17.5 miles of levee, 1 mile of T-wall, four pumping stations, two drainage structures, and approximately 35 utility relocations. The structure will span from the Bonnet Carre Spillway to the Mississippi River Levee near Garyville and provide storm surge protection and improved resilience on the western shores of Lake Pontchartrain and Lake Maurepas. Construction of the project is funded through a state and federal cost-share, the feds will cover 65% of the project, and the state will perform work - design and construction - valued at their 35% share of the total project cost.

Greenup Industries reports that the company's work on the two contracts is progressing well. Greenup's primary role in the project has been excavating, processing, and stockpiling clay into two stockpiles inside the Bonnet Carre Spillway. The clay will be used to construct 17.5 miles of a levee system that offers a 100-year level risk reduction to the area between the Bonnet Carre spillway and Garyville. Greenup will have removed 1.5 million cubic yards of clay from the Spillway by the end of the project.

"We are honored to be part of the project that provides much-needed flood protection for the River Region. This project will provide peace of mind for the residents and business, especially with the increased number of named storms," Rodney Greenup, CEO of Greenup Industries. In early August, the NOAA's Climate Prediction Center increased the number of named storms they first predicted back in May. The original outlook had 13-20 named storms expected for the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season. The mid-season update states that the season is expected to have 15-21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or greater). Of the 15-21 named storms, they predict that 7-10 will be hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or greater), of which 3-5 could become major hurricanes (category 3, 4, or 5 with winds 111 mph or greater).

The West Shore Lake Pontchartrain Hurricane Protection project is a joint effort of CPRA and the New Orleans District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Pontchartrain Levee District, and St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, and St. James parishes. Construction of the project is being funded through a 65 percent federal 35 percent local cost share. 

Greenup Industries is also involved in the Lafourche Basin Levee District Project, known as Upper Barataria Risk Reduction, a $1.6 Billion levee project that Greenup has been working on for four years with the Levee Board. They also received $8M in design funding that Greenup was instrumental in securing. 

About Greenup Industries

Based in Kenner, Greenup Industries offers contracting and specialized construction services for industrial, commercial, and municipal clients. The company's proprietary software, the Greenup Tracker, can connect third-party vendors with facilities that need painters, plumbers, groundskeepers, carpenters, etc.

If you would like more information on this project, please contact Greenup Industries at 225.283.4843 or

Rodney Greenup

Greenup Industries 

+1 225-383-4843


Rodney Greenup and Greenup Industries USACE Myrtle Grove Levee and Drainage Canal Contract Increased by 6 percent from $102,452,561 to $108,783,413.

Greenup Industries is partnering with Cajun Industries, LLC, on a construction contract to build hurricane protection structures and move levees and drainage canals in the New Orleans area.

Greenup presented the lowest bid of four for the "New Orleans to Venice 1st lift levee and drainage canal relocation project, La Reussite to Myrtle Grove, Plaquemines Parish". The project will consist of clearing, grubbing, excavating new drainage canals, placing culverts and drainage structures, building new T-walls and levee ramp crossings, placing levee embankments, geotextile work, turf establishment, and surfacing. The estimated cost of the project recently increased by six percent from $ 102,452,461.00 to $108,783,413. The project has an expected completion date of November 30, 2026.

Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance and design services, and specialty construction services to our diverse set of clients. "We offer effective onboarding, reduced costs, accountability, and consistent vetting of vendors," Greenup said. Greenup Industries has clocked over 500,000 plus safe work man-hours and is the recipient of several awards for safety, including the Gold Medal Award, presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, and the Safety Excellence Award, presented by Gulf South Safety Council.

About Rodney Greenup

Rodney Greenup, a New Orleans native, began his career as a mechanical engineer and project manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. With over 25 years of experience in providing project management and technical solutions to large-scale construction and maintenance projects. Greenup Industries, a trusted solutions provider, is also the recipient of several awards, including the Gold Medal Award presented by Shell/Norco, the Contractor Safety Award, presented by CAST, Supplier of the presented by Tier III, Emerging Growth Company Award, presented by ACG and many more.

About Greenup Industries

Greenup Industries provides a full range of onboarding solutions, maintenance, and staffing services, as well as specialty construction services to its diverse client base. Greenup strives to continually improve its performance and provide added value.

To learn more about Rodney Greenup and Greenup Industries, please call (225) 283-4843 or visit